学部・大学院 橋本 裕二(ハシモト ユウジ)


職位 学長・教授
Fellow of the Japanese Circulation Society(FJCS)
専門分野(領域) 内科学(循環器病学)
担当授業科目とその概要 (1)人間機能学
主な研究とその概要 (1)種々の心疾患における心血行動態の心エコー法を用いた解析。
主な所属学会 (1)日本内科学会
主な著書・論文 著書
(1)心臓と心筋・心膜の病気 心臓弁膜症.
家庭医学大全科. 高久史麿,北村惣一郎,猿田亨男,福井次矢監修. 法研 東京 2004 pp970-6.
2005今日の治療指針 山口徹,北原光夫編. 医学書院 東京2005 pp297-8
(3)循環器の病気 心臓弁膜症.
六訂版家庭医学大全科 高久史麿,北村惣一郎,猿 田亨男,福井次矢監修. 法研 東京 2010 pp905-11.

(1)Hashimoto Y, Tamaki H, Hosaka T, Maezawa H.
The hemodynamics and hemodynamic effects of indenolol in mild hypertension. Jpn Heart J 1984;25:1029-45.
(2)Hashimoto Y, Numano F, Maezawa H, et al.
Thallium-201 stress scintigraphy in Takayasu arteritis. Am J Cardiol 1991;67:879-82.
(3)Hashimoto Y, Numano F, Oniki T, Shimizu S.
Left ventricular geometry in Takayasu arteritis complicated by severe aortic regurgitation Cardiology 1992;80:180-3.
(4)Oniki T, Hashimoto Y, Numano F, et al.
Enhanced flow velocity increase through the left ventricular inflow tract of patients with isolated aortic regurgitation. Am J Cardiol 1992;69:654-7.
(5)Iwakami M, Hashimoto Y, Oniki T, Numano F.
Effects of dobutamine on left ventricular diastolic performance are attenuated in patients with systemic hypertension. Am J Cardiol 1996;78:369-372.
(6)Hashimoto Y, Tanaka M, Numano F, et al.
Four years follow-up study in patients with Takayasu arteritis and severe aortic regurgitation; assessment by echocardiography. Int J Cardiol 1996;54 Suppl:S143-S146.
(7)Tanaka M, Hashimoto Y, Numano F.
Decreased left ventricular contractility reserve in patients with never-treated essential hypertension. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol 2000;27:871-875.
(8)Ohara T, Hashimoto Y, Isobe M, et al.
Accelerated progression and morbidity in patients with aortic stenosis on chronic dialysis.
Circ J 2005;69:1535-9.
(9)Ohara T, Hashimoto Y, Isobe M, et al.
Early diastolic flow propagation velocity detects induced diastolic dysfunction during dobutamine stress echocardiography. Echocardiogr 2011;28:335-41.
(10)Ohno M, Hashimoto Y, Isobe M, et al.
Current state of symptomatic aortic valve stenosis in the Japanese elderly. Circ J 2011;75:2474-81.
(11)Matsue Y, Suzuki M, Nishizaki Hashimoto Y, Sakurada H.
Clinical implications of an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator in patients with vasospastic angina and lethal ventricular arrhythmias. J Am Coll Cardiol 2012;60:908-13.
(12)Matsue Y, Hashimoto Y, Yoshida M, et al
Differences in action of atorvastatin and ezetimibe in lowering low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and effect on endothelial function: randomized controlled trial. Circ J 2013;77:1791-8.
(13)Matsue Y, Hashimoto Y, Yoshida M, et al
Clinical features and prognosis of type 2 myocardial
infarction in vasospastic angina.
Am J Med 2015;128:389-95
(14)Mizukami A, Mastue Y, Aonuma K, Hashimoto Y, et al
Implications of right ventricular septal pacing for
medium-term prognosis: Propensity-matched analysis.
Int J Cardiol 2016;220:214-218
(15)Iwatsuka R, Matsue Y, Hashimoto Y, Hrao K,et al
Arterial inflammation measured by 18F-FDG-PET-CT to predict
coronary events in older subjects.
Atherosclerosis. 2018;268:49-54
(16)Asakura M, Hashimoto Y, Kitakaze M,et al
PPAR investigators
Cardiovascular outcomes in patients with previous myocardial
infarction and mild diabetes mellitus following treatment
with pioglitazone
Reports of a randomized trial from the Japan
working group for the assessment
whether pioglitazone protects DM patients against re-infarction
(PPAR study).
EClinical Medicine 2018;4-5:10-24

左室流出路狭窄を伴った褐色細胞腫の1症例. 日本内科学会誌 1982;71:1727-33.
軽症高血圧症の拡長期障害とその機序-運動負荷心エコ一法およびカルシウム拮抗薬投与による検討-. 呼吸と循環 1986;34:1187-93.
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